Blogging – 4 Tips On Writing Productively

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Since starting daily blogging I have really struggled when it comes to being productive and getting things done. Here are a few tips that have helped me

Plan Ahead

It’s always a good idea to set out a plan of what you’re going to write and have all the relevant research into the topic done. I’m more productive when I sit down the night before and research my topic and map out what I’m going to write, headings and what order to put everything in. This technique has helped me write my blog posts much quicker compared to if I just sit down and start writing about a random topic, having to stop and research facts. If you choose you topic well in advance and have what you’re going to write planned out you’ll be one step ahead.

Listen To Music

Calming instrumental music is a great way of keeping you focused and helps you stay productive when you are writing a blog post. It relaxes you in to what you are doing and helps keep your mind from wandering off topic and getting distracted. Youtube has an extensive amount of instrumental music to help you focus, it’s just a matter of finding a genre that suits you best.

Don’t Edit As You Go 

Editing as I write has been something that has slowed me down considerably since I started blogging. Taking the time to edit and correct every single mistake as you go can double the time it takes you to write a blog post. It’s best to just sit down and get everything out onto paper, then you can go back and fix mistakes and edit. Something like this can save you valuable time.

Do A Pomodoro

This is a technique which breaks your work into intervals. Traditionally it involves doing something with your full attention (in this case writing) for 25 minutes straight. After this time you take a 5 minute break. The Pomodoro Technique helps strengthen your mind and keep you in your productive mode for 25 minutes. It usually takes me 2 Pomodoro’s to write a blog post and edit it. I’ve found breaking my time up like this has helped me keep my concentration and motivate me to finish a task. It is definitely worth a go if you struggle to finish blog posts.

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